Monday, May 3, 2010

Obedience to Authority

Aaron Loveall

The book was an ethnography on Milgram's shock experiments. Written by Milgram himself, the book goes into great detail regarding the experiments and their results.

For more than half the book, Milgram goes into great detail regarding his alterations of the experiment.  From including more teachers, to more students, there were many variations off from the initial experiment.  Each variation, of course, included some analysis from Milgram about what they might ahve meant and why they might have happened like they did.

The rest of the book was spent attempting to explain why the results came out as they did.  He explained a few theories and put a considerable amount of effort countering some theories that would have disproved his results

I generally liked the book even though at times it was very bland.  The variations of the experiments were pretty interesting to read about because it was cool to see how slight adjustments could result in drastically different results.  The last part involving the thick psychological analysis, however, was not very interesting.

Near the end of the book, when Milgram was defending the ethics behind his study, I sensed that Milgram felt tired and just beaten down.  It was as if so many people had questioned him that he was tired of giving the answer.  His explanation just didn't seem to lack the fire that I am sure it once had.

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